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Discover The Miracle Of Unconditional Love & Create the Ultimate Marriage

How To Unlock the Secret to an Extraordinary Marriage

Introducing Pete Uglow, the "best-kept secret" for smart men or women who want to transform their marriage from the brink of divorce, infidelity, emotional disconnection or mediocrity, to a relationship that gives them everything they want.

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Act Fast - You Don't Want To Miss This!

Longing for a spouse who is your biggest supporter, your most passionate lover, and your very best friend?

I specialise in helping people create marriages that check all the boxes!

& even if you feel like you're the only one trying.....

YOU Can Be The CATALYST FOR MIRACLES in Your Marriage !

Because, when you sort out ONE VITAL PIECE of the marriage puzzle, everything else falls into place.

It's the key that unlocks joy.

Please Don't Let Divorce Destroy Everything You've Built!

Discover the wonder of unconditional love (known to only 1% of all married couples) that will transform any failing or mundane marriage into a partnership that's a source of true love & connection for both!

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Act Fast - You Don't Want To Miss This!

But firstly, does any of this sound familiar?

  • You feel like your marriage is crumbling beneath the weight of unaddressed concerns.

  • ​You don't have a feeling of being appreciated, loved and accepted by your husband and it leaves you feeling deeply resentful.

  • ​You hope for him to open up and have a conversation about his feelings yet he seems incapable of talking about anything but work.

  • Maybe infidelity has shaken the very foundations of your relationship, and you're unsure how it can ever recover from this.

  • You feel trapped, seriously considering walking away, yet hesitant to let go of the life you have built together.

  • You find it challenging to manage your wife's demands on your time and emotional resources when you get home at the end of a busy day.

  • ​You often prefer staying at work or socialising with friends and colleagues to avoid the drama at home.

  • ​While you feel you need sexual intimacy, it no longer seems to be on offer in your marriage.

  • ​You feel criticised and as if you never measure up to your wife's expectations.

  • ​You are perceived as the couple who has it all by everyone else but behind closed doors, it's a different story.

So, if any of that sounds even remotely like you, and if you genuinely want to know how to turn your life and relationship around without losing everything...

...this will be THE MOST IMPORTANT TRAINING you will ever watch!


How to Unlock the Secret to an Extraordinary Marriage!

A great marriage isn't something that just happens; it's something that must be created.

I completed a doctorate and I’m a Chartered Psychologist, but I’ve felt so ashamed about what I do. I feel like a fraud at work as I’ve been so unable to sort my own life out. Out of all the theories, models, and studies I’ve completed, the package you have put together is absolutely incredible. The way I’ve been trained to work with clients does not compare to the powerful package you have put together - thank you.

Justine T

Betrayed Spouse

I want you to imagine this...

You now experience the bliss of a cozy home, and an authentic, loving relationship with your spouse, (even if that seems a long way off right now).

You each feel seen, heard, and fully accepted for who you truly are (even if you've spent years pointing out each other's flaws)

You have broken free from the disconnection of parallel lives and rediscovered the beauty of deep, loving and connected conversations,

You walk through that door at the end of your day and your partner’s eyes light up, genuinely caring about how your day went (without you having to fight for their attention).

You've rekindled that spark in the bedroom and it's as meaningful as your newfound emotional connection, (without you ever having to schedule 'duty' sex again).​

Infidelity or suspicions are no longer a part of your day and instead, trust, loyalty, and open communication form the foundation of your relationship.,


How To Unlock the Secret to an Extraordinary Marriage

Going light years beyond anything you'll ever learn from any counsellor or therapist, this advice-packed training will show you:

  • How you can break down all the walls in your relationship and find each other again, even if those walls have been up for years.

  • How you can create a marriage that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside, even if it seems far from that right now.

  • The reason why all failing marriages fail, why only 1% of the rest are truly happy and the one ingredient you need to elevate your marriage from wherever it is, to the 1% level.

  • The reason why you have lost that 'loving' feeling you once had,

    and why there is a level that's even better waiting for you (with the same person!)

  • Why it's possible to save a marriage when only one of the partner's is actively doing the work.

So Now It's Time To Get The Marriage You've Always Wanted!


How to Unlock the Secret to an Extraordinary Marriage!

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.

I would proclaim the wonders of Pete & Nikki's work from a mountaintop!! Not just for what it has done for our relationship but for what it has done for me personally and the peace it has finally brought to my heart.

Tiffani F.

Betrayed Spouse

I'm Pete Uglow and I'm inspired by the belief that all the world's problems could be improved by a better understanding of unconditional love.

This photo of me was taken 16 years ago, just days before my 23 year marriage nearly ended. At that time, I had recently built and sold a company and I believed I had made it.

If someone had asked me on that day if I needed help with my marriage, I would have arrogantly dismissed its importance, as I always had in the past.

However, life has a funny way of humbling you when you refuse to humble yourself.

Have you discovered that yet?

When the pupil is ready the teacher will appear!

About Your Host

Pete Uglow

International Marriage Coach & Mentor | P Uglow Coaching Limited

Hi, I'm Pete Uglow. My wife, Nikki, and I have been right where you find yourselves now. We understand the struggles that smart, professional couples face when trying to overcome the impact of infidelity. We understand your concerns regarding privacy and protecting your reputation. Our own journey has inspired us to help others in a similar situation.

I'm here to guide couples like you back to a place of security, love, and happiness in their marriage. Nikki and I know how the pain, fear, and mistrust can cast a dark cloud over everything, and we're passionate about supporting you in overcoming these challenges. Let's work together to turn things around and build a stronger, happier marriage.

I've helped over a thousand smart professional couples, just like you to build the marriage they were always meant to have ...but didn't.

Don't fall into the trap of being casual about your relationship or waiting for it to improve! These people didn't & they have never looked back...

I can't believe I nearly lost the most amazing thing in my life through sheer ignorance!

David H.


If anyone had told me this feeling was available to us after an affair I wouldn't have believed them!

Linda S.

Legal Secretary

Pete helped us change our entire world and we've never looked back!"

Mike & Karla P.

Business Owners

Wow, this experience has been a total game-changer for me. It's like a breath of fresh air! I can't believe the changes, even though Jim didn't really get involved much – our relationship is now bursting with that deep emotional connection I've honestly been craving for so long. This program has not only saved my marriage after the affair but also given me back my sparkle too!"

Elena S.

Retired teacher

Our marriage has been completely transformed. Barbara and I are thrilled – our relationship has never been stronger or more connected and we are more in love than I ever thought was possible. We're a living testament to the power of your amazing programme in teaching us about things we simply didn't know before and we couldn't be happier!

Stephen B.

Financial Advisor

*We have a strict confidentiality policy. We never use full names in our testimonials and images are a representation of the types of clients we work with. Real images are never used to ensure we uphold this policy.

Are You Ready To Discover The Ingredient That The Really Smart People Are Bringing Into Their Marriages & Elevating Them To The Upper 1% Level ?

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How to Unlock the Secret to an Extraordinary Marriage!

Please Note: If infidelity is your main crisis, I have a specific masterclass for you. Please click here to watch it now!

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